List of candidates for the COSAFA 2021 elections

The candidates have been named for the COSAFA Elective Annual General Assembly to be held in Mbabane, Eswatini on December 19, 2021, when Member Associations will vote for a new President and Executive Committee.

Current COSAFA President Dr Phillip Chiyangwa has decided not to stand for a second term despite a successful five years at the helm of the regional body.

There are two candidates who will contest the vacancy, Angola Football Federation President Artur de Almeida e Silva and South African Football Association President Dr Danny Jordaan.

Comoros Football Federation President Said Ali Said Athouman will stand unopposed for the position of Vice-President.

There are seven candidates for five positions as ordinary members on the Executive Committee, which as per COSAFA regulations must include at least one women.

Three women have thrown their hat in the ring, namely Ria Ledwaba (South Africa), Brenda Kunda (Zambia) and Solondranja Mahatovo (Madagascar), at least one of whom must be elected.

They will stand for a position with Timothy Shongwe (Eswatini), Ranga Haikali (Namibia), P Marshlow Motlogelwa (Botswana) and Andrew Kamanga (Zambia).

The Elective Annual General Assembly is to be staged the day after the final of the COSAFA Men’s Under-20 Championship that will be held in Eswatini from December 10-18.



For the position of PRESIDENT

1. Artur de Almeida E SILVA – Angola
2. Daniel JORDAAN – South Africa

For the position of VICE-PRESIDENT
1. Said Ali Said ATHOUMAN – Comoros

For the position of ORDINARY MEMBER (FIVE)
1. Timothy SHONGWE – Eswatini
2. Ranga HAIKALI – Namibia
3. P Marshlow MOTLOGELWA – Botswana
4. Andrew KAMANGA – Zambia
5. Ria LEDWABA – South Africa
6. Brenda KUNDA – Zambia
7. Solondranja MAHATOVO – Madagascar
* At least one position must be filled by a woman.