CAF duo voted onto FIFA Council

The Confederation of African Football’s (CAF) second vice president Almamy Kabele Camara of Guinea and Ghana Football Association president Kwesi Nyantakyi were elected to represent African on the reformed FIFA Council on Thursday.

The pair were voted in at an extraordinary general meeting of CAF in Cairo that was attended by FIFA president Gianni Infantino. Their term will run until Mar. 16 next year.

All 54 member associations of CAF had two votes in the election, with Camara coming out on top with 37 in his favour. Nyantakyi (31) edged out the Madagascan FA head, known simply as Ahmed, by a single vote.

The 36-member FIFA Council will hold its first meeting in Zurich on Oct. 13-14 as it replaces the tarnished 24-member executive committee and takes responsibility for setting the overall strategic direction of world football’s governing body.