In this special episode of The COSAFA Show we speak to Dr Nonhlanhla Mkumbuzi, who is leading a research project in conjunction with FIFA and COSAFA that aims to collect data on African female footballers and their health.
The project has been running since 2020 and the COSAFA Women’s Championship has become an important platform for Dr Mkumbuzi to collect her data.
Over the last four years she has been able to assess patterns that have arisen in terms of the injuries sustained specifically by players on the African continent, which may differ to those in Europe, South America or Asia.
It is a fascinating chat to understand the aims of the project, some outcomes and where she would like to take it in the future.
It is an opportunity to try and find African-specific solutions for players from this great continent, rather than relying on data from other parts of the world where the challenges may be different.