ZIFA elects new president as Chiyangwa takes charge

The Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) held successful elections for their Executive Committee on Saturday, ending weeks of uncertainty over who would lead the organisation into the future.

The position of president had been vacant after Cuthbert Dube resigned in early October, with the association being led in the interim by CEO Jonathan Mashingaidze.

But Saturday’s election, conducted with a number of independent observers present, will help the organisation move forward.

The position of president has been filled by Phillip Chiyangwa, a leading businessman who was a popular choice having collected 40 of the 58 votes cast.

Omega Sibanda was voted in as vice-president of the organisation, while Piraishe Mabhena, Philemon Machana, Felton Kamambo and former international Edzai Kasinauyo won a place on the Executive Committee.

They will be joined by representatives of the Premier Soccer League and women’s football in the country, who have still to be confirmed.

The election was observed and declared fair by Luca Nicola from FIFA Member Associations, Ashford Mamelodi, who is FIFA Development Officer for Southern and East Africa and Molefe Oliphant, an Executive Member of the Confederation of African Football and former president of the South African Football Association.

Representatives of the Zimbabwe Sport and Recreation Commission and Olympic Committee were also present.