Namibia name training camp squad

Offensive players Young Brazilian’ Wayne Esterhuisen and Vincent Namiseb of Flamingoes joins the Brave Warriors training squad as two of the five changes to the training camp that continues on Tuesday at the Namibia Football Association (NFA) Technical Centre in Windhoek.

Brave Warriors coach Ricardo Mannetti and his technical team will be overseeing training for the invited players for the month of April before he announces another squad of players to prepare for the 2019 African Cup of Nations qualifier against Guinea Bissau in June before the team heads to South Africa for the COSAFA Cup from 25 June. The local boys will then have to face off with Zimbabwe for the Africa Nations Champions qualifiers in July. Namibia will face Zambia, Mozambique and Bissau in Group K of the qualifiers for AFCON 2019.

After the first week training, four players are dropped as five comes in. Making way out are the United Stars striking pair of Manuel Francisco and Joseph Munaperi, Da Costa Angula and Civics midfielder Donald Gaseb and in comes Muna Katupose and Immanuel Heita (Black Africa), Wayne Esterhuisen (Young Brazilian) Vincent Namiseb (Flamingoes) and Sakaria Jonas (Tigers).

Mannetti reveals that despite being early days, the boys are showing promise.

“Fitness is not as bad as I expected. The boys have been training on their own and some clubs too have been up and about. For the first group everyone was around except for Da Costa (Angula) who could get time way from work. Otherwise the first week went well.”

The 2015 Cosafa winning coach adds that he was kept most of the players from the first week and added five new names to the training squad.

“Remember, we are assessing the players and this is by no means the final team. We have now added five new players to look at them as well together with the others and we will again for next week make a few changes as well. I remain positive in two months’ time we will be ready to compete”, states Mannetti.

Here is the 25 men squad: Lodyt Kazapua (African Stars) David Peterson (Tigers), Charles Uirab (Orlando Pirates), Edward Maova (Civics FC), Romario Ndjavera and Ferdinand Karongee (Tigers), Tiberius Lombard and Charles Hambira (both Tura Magic), Larry Horaeb (Black Africa), Riaan !Hanamub (Orlando Pirates), Edmund Kambanda (UNAM FC), Ronald Ketjijere and Katiti Hakuria ( both African Stars), Benyamin Nenkavu (Tigers), Johannes Shiwedha (NAMPOL), Oswaldo Xamseb (Tura Magic), Dynamo Fredericks (Black Africa), Pandeni Kandjabanga (Golden Bigs), Itamunua Keimuine (Tura Magic), Mapenzi Muwanei (Tigers), Muna Katupose and Immanuel Heita (black Africa), Wayne Esterhuisen (Young Brazilian) Vincent Namiseb (Flamingoes) and Sakaria Jonas (Tigers).